Frequently Asked Questions


What Kinds of Services can I book through Copilot?

A wide range of complementary and holistic health services. If you wish to find a naturopath, acupuncturist, or even an M.D. with a Functional Medicine practice, Copilot is here to help.

How are Copilot practitioners different than my primary doctor?

While Copilot Practitioners span a range of modalities, what they all have in common is a whole-body approach to healing. Where a conventional doctor might specialize in one of the body’s systems, or know how to treat one type of disease very well, a Copilot Practitioner will zoom out and consider a wide range of factors like diet, stress, and lifestyle in assessing your health needs.

DO Copilot Practitioners take insurance?

We’ll give it to you straight: most Copilot Practitioners will require payments up front, some of which can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement, if your plan allows. This is due to the unfortunate fact that most of American healthcare is set up to prioritize acute “sick care” rather than reimbursing for services that prevent disease and ensure good health.

What if I can’t find a copilot practitioner near me?

Many Copilot Practitioners are available by video or phone call! We find that these appointments can be more effective for both the patient and the practitioner: no need to drive to a doctor’s office in the middle of the day, labs can be ordered and assessed remotely. Look for the phone icon when selecting a practitioner.